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Difference between Flexible Pavement and Rigid Pavement

What are the Difference between Flexible Pavement and Rigid Pavement?

Almost all of students’ gets confused when asked about the questions related to the differences between flexible pavement and rigid pavement. If you want to know about their differences, this article explains it in detail.

Before going into the list of differences between flexible pavement and rigid pavement, we are going to discuss what is flexible pavement and rigid pavement and what differentiates them from each other.

Difference between Flexible Pavement and Rigid Pavement png

Flexible Pavement:

This pavement is constructed from bitumen’s or asphalt Flexible roads consist of four layers and require proper maintenance or it will crumble due to heavy load traffic. All type of roads are flexible roads except concrete roads a flexible pavement can be defined as a pavement layer include of a combination of aggregates and bitumen, it is heated and blended precisely and then put and compacted on a bed of granular layer. It transfers the load to sub grade through combination of layers. subgrade work as a foundation for the road.

Flexible pavement is constructed of a bituminous wearing course and essential base and subbase. In this pavement the bituminous material is more frequently asphalt whose viscous nature permits crucial plastic distortion. Almost all asphalt surfaces are constructed on a gravel base, while some ‘full depth’ asphalt surfaces are constructed directly on the subgrade. It is depending on temperature, there are three different classification of asphalt that is hot mix asphalt (HMA), warm mix asphalt (WMA), or cold mix asphalt (CMA). Flexible Pavement is so named as the pavement surface reflects the overall declination of all upcoming layers because of the traffic load acting on it. The flexible pavement design is based on the load dispersing specific of a layered system.

The four layers of flexible pavement is given below:

  • Sub Grade:
  • Sub Base:
  • Base course
  • Surface course

Rigid Pavement:

Rigid pavement is constructed from reinforced concrete Rigid roads consist of three layers they are non-flexible roads concrete roads are the best example of the rigid roads. a rigid pavement can be defined as a pavement layer include of a combination of aggregates and cement, it is blended precisely and then put and compacted on a bed of granular layer in rigid road there is no need of sub base. There are mainly three layer in rigid road.

It is mostly used to build airports and highways, like those in the dual carriage way or interstate highway system. As well as, they typically provide as heavy duty industrial floor slabs, port and dock plant pavements, and heavy traffic park or concluding pavements. Such as flexible pavements, rigid pavements are designed as all weather, long-lasting structures to provide advance day high speed vehicle. contributing high quality surfaces for ride for the purpose of safe driving, they duty as structural layers to transmit automobile wheel loads in this way that the develop stresses transfer to the subgrade are of allowable capacity.

The three layers of rigid road is given below:

  • Sub grade
  • Base course
  • Surface course

Difference between Flexible Pavement and Rigid Pavement:

The difference between flexible pavement and rigid pavement is given below in chart:

S.No Flexible Pavement Rigid Pavement
1 The initial cost of flexible pavement is low The initial cost of Rigid pavement is high.
2 The span of flexible pavement is short. The span of Rigid pavement is long.
3 The thickness of this pavement is more The thickness of this pavement is less
4 Joints are required in flexible pavements Joints are required in Rigid pavements
5 The durability of flexible pavement is less The durability of Rigid pavement is more
6 In flexible pavement good subgrade should be constructed In Rigid pavement good subgrade is not required.
7 Repairing work of this pavement is easy Repairing work of this pavement is not easy
8 Norma skill and less supervision are required in flexible pavement High skill and more supervision are required in Rigid pavement
9 In flexible pavement It is simple to put locate or repair below ground pipes. In Rigid pavement It is not simple to put locate or repair below ground pipes.
10 It is one of the plus point of this pavement that after construction of flexible pavement it Can be opened to vehicles shortly. After the construction of Rigid pavement it Can’t be opened to vehicles shortly.
11 It is More strong to traffic load It is not too strong to traffic load
12 Flexible pavement establish crinkle Rigid pavement establish crinkle
13 Flexible pavement adjust according to distortion of subgrade without fracture or cracks Rigid pavement do not adjust according to distortion of subgrade without fracture or cracks
14 This pavement have more friction or adhesion resistance This pavement do not have more friction or adhesion resistance
15 It is acceptable for all types of traffic It is not acceptable for all types of traffic
16 The color of flexible pavement is black because of black color it provide poor visibility at night  Rigid pavement provide good visibility at night 
17 This pavement do not typically cause shine due to reflect sun light  This pavement typically cause shine due to reflect sun light 
18 Stage development is workable  Stage development is not workable 
19 The Maintenance cost of flexible pavement is very high The Maintenance cost of Rigid pavement is very low
20 Flexible pavement adjust itself to conventional forces by suffer elastic distortion  Rigid pavement do not adjust itself to conventional forces by suffer elastic distortion 
21 The life span of flexible pavement is 15 years The life span of Rigid pavement is 30 years
22 Flexible pavements load distribution is depend on layered system Rigid pavement load distribution is depend on slab system
23 Flexible pavement is built in number of layers Rest in slabs with steel reinforcement
24 It transfer vertical and compressive stresses to the lower layers           Tensile stress and temperature increases
25 Flexible pavement have Low flexural strength         Associated with rigidity or flexural strength or slab action so the load is distributed over a wide area of subgrade soil


The main objective of this article “Differences between flexible pavement and Rigid Pavement” is that the flexible pavement is constructed from Asphalt while the Rigid pavement is constructed from Reinforced Concrete or RCC.

So friends I have written all the difference between flexible pavement and rigid pavement as much as I know. If this article is helpful do share it with your friends and leave a comment

Thanks for reading the article.

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