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Unit Conversion

Unit Conversion for civil Engineering

In this article we will discuss different unit conversion for civil engineering. These units is very useful and widely use in engineering. Different unit conversion for civil engineering is given below:

unit conversion


S.No mm cm inch Foot Yard Meter km Mile
1 1 0.1 0.0393 0.003281 0.001094 0.001 0.000001 6.21e-7
2 10 1 0.393 0.032808 0.01093 0.01 0.00001 0.000006
3 1000 100 39.37 3.2808 1.09361 1 0.001 0.000621
4 1000000 100000 39370.08 3280.84 1093.6 1000 1 0.62137
5 25.4 2.54 1 0.08333 0.02777 0.0254 0.000025 0.000016
6 304.8 30.48 12 1 0.33333 0.3048 0.000305 0.000189
7 914.4 91.44 36 3 1 0.9144 0.000914 0.000568
8 1609344 160934.4 63360 5280 1760 1609.344 1.609344 1

Example of Length Conversion:

To convert the length units let’s take an example of length “inch into millimeter (mm)”

Convert 10 inch into millimeter

We know that from the table of length conversion

1 inch = 25.4 mm

To find the 10 inch simply multiply the 10 with 25.4

10 inch 25.4 × 10

10 inch = 254 mm


S.No mm2 cm2 in2 ft2 yd2 m2
1 1 0.01 0.00155 0.000011 0.000001 0.000001
2 100 1 0.155 0.00107 0.00012 0.0001
3 645.16 1000 1550.003 10.7639 1.1959 1
4 645.16 6.4516 1 0.00694 0.00077 0.000645
5 92903 929.03 144 1 0.111111 0.0929
6 836127 8361.27 1296 9 1 0.83612

Example of Area Conversion:

To convert the Area units let’s take an example of Area “square inch into square millimeter (mm2)”

Convert 10 inch into square millimeter

We know that from the table of Area conversion

1 square inch = 645.16 square millimeter

To find the 10 inch simply multiply the 10 with 645.16

10 square inch = 645.16 × 10

10 square inch = 6451.6 mm2



S.No Grams Kilogram Metric Ton Pound Ounces
1 1 0.001 0.000001 0.002205 0.03527
2 1000 1 0.001 2.2045 35.273
3 1000000 1000 1 2204.5 35273.37
4 907200 907.2 0.9072 2000 32000
5 1016000 1016 1.016 2239.85 35837.7
6 453.6 0.4536 0.000454 1 16
7 28 0.02835 0.000028 0.0625 1

Example of Mass Conversion:

To convert the Mass units let’s take an example of Mass “kilogram into pound (lb)”

Convert 20 kilogram into pound

We know that from the table of mass conversion

1 kilogram = 2.204 pound

To find the 20 kilogram simply multiply the 20 with 2.204

20 kilograms = 2.204 × 20

20 kilograms = 44.08 lb


S.No Cm3 m3 Liter in3 ft3 US Gallon UK Gallon
1 1 0.000001 0.001 0.06102 0.000035 0.000264 0.00022
2 1000000 1 1000 61024 35 264 220
3 1000 0.001 1 61 0.035 0.2642 0.22
4 16.4 0.000016 0.01638 1 0.000579 0.004329 0.003605
5 28317 0.02831 28.316 1728 1 7.481333 6.22971
6 3785 0.003785 3.79 231 0.13 1 0.8327
7 4545 0.004545 4.55 277 0.16 1.2 1
8 158970 0.15897 159 9701 6 42 35


S.No Volume
1 1 teaspoon 5 milliliters
2 1 fluid ounces 30 milliliter
3 1 tablespoon 15 milliliters
4 1 liter 1000 cubic centimeters
5 1 fluid ounce 30 milliliters
6 1 quartz 0.9463 liter
7 1 cup 0.23658 liters
8 1 pint 0.473167 liters

Example of Volume Conversion:

To convert the volume units let’s take an example of volume “Liter into cubic meter (m3)”

Convert 5 liter into cubic meter (m3)

We know that from the table of volume conversion

1liter = 0.001 cubic meter (m3)

To find the 10 liter simply multiply the 10 with 0.001

10 liters = 0.001 × 10

10 liters = 0.01 cubic meter


Cm3 means cubic centimeter

m3 means cubic meter

in3 means cubic inch

ft3 means cubic foot

UK Gallon is also called imperial Gallon



S.No m/s m/min km/h ft/s ft/min Mile/h
1 1 59.988 3.5997 3.2808 196.85 2.23713
2 0.01667 1 0.06 0.0546 3.281 0.03729
3 0.2778 16.6646 1 0.91141 54.685 0.62147
4 0.3048 18.2843 1.0971 1 60 0.68187
5 0.00508 0.3047 0.01828 0.01666 1 0.01136
6 0.447 26.8146 1.60907 1.4665 87.9921 1

Example of Speed Conversion:

To convert the speed units let’s take an example of speed “Mile/h into km/h”

Convert 15 Mile/h into km/h.

We know that from the table of speed conversion

1Mile/h = 1.60907 km/h

To find the 15 Mile/h simply multiply the 15 with 1.60907

15 Mile/h = 1.60907 × 15

15 Mile/h = 24.136 km/h


m/s means meter / second

m/min means meter/ minute

km/h means kilometer / hour

ft/s means foot / second

ft/min means foot / minute

mile/h means mile / hour


1 Degree Celsius (oC) (oF – 32) × 5/9
(K – 273.15)
2 Degree Fahrenheit (oF) (oC × 9/5) + 32
(1.8 × K) – 459.67
3 Kelvin (k) (oC + 273.15)
(oF + 459.67) + 1.8

Example of Temperature Conversion:

To convert the temperature units let’s take an example of temperature “Degree Fahrenheit into Degree Celsius”

Convert 40 Degree Fahrenheit (oF) into Degree Celsius (oC)

We know that from the table of temperature conversion

Degree Celsius (oC) = (oF – 32) × 5/9.

0F is 40 put in this given equation

Degree Celsius (oC) = (o40 – 32) × 5/9.

Degree Celsius (oC) = (8) × 5/9.

Degree Celsius (oC) = 4.4

It means that

4.4 Degree Celsius (oC) = 40 Degree Fahrenheit (oF)

Multiples and Submultiples of SI units Prefix:

S.No Prefixes Symbols Multiplying Factors
1 Exa e 1018
2 Peta P 1015
3 tera t 10­12
4 Giga g 109
5 Mega m 106
6 Kilo k 103
7 hecto h 102
8 Deca da 100
9 Deci d 10-1
10 Centi c 10-2
11 mili m 10-3
12 Micro u 10-6
13 nano n 10-9
14 pico p 10-12
15 femto f 10-15
16 atto a 10-18


S.No Gram/milliliter Kg/m3 lb/ft3 lb/in3
1 1 1000 62.42197 0.03612
2 0.001 1 0.06242 0.000036
3 0.016 16.02 1 0.000579
4 27.68 27680 1727.84 1

Example of Density Conversion:

To convert the density units let’s take an example of density “kg/m3 into lb/ft3

Convert 5 kg/m3 into cubic lb/ft3

We know that from the table of density conversion

1 kg/m3 = 0.06242 lb/ft3

To find the 5 kg/m3 simply multiply the 5 with 0.06242

5 kg/m3 = 0.06242 × 5

5 kg/m3 = 0.3121 lb/ft3


Kg/m3 means kilogram/ meter3

lb/ft3 means pound/ foot3

lb/in3 means pound/ inch3

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